Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Green Star Farms Initiative?
The Green Star Farms Initiative is a voluntary, farmer-led educational program designed to raise awareness among farmers about water quality issues; recognize the conservation practices that are already being employed by many farmers and ranchers that have led to improved water quality, reduced soil erosion, enhanced soil health and increased wildlife habitat; and accelerate the adoption of sound conservation practices where needed to improve water quality.
How Does the Green Stars Farm Initiative Work?
The Green Star Farms Initiative begins with an environmental assessment process that farmers can use as a simple self-evaluation and management tool. The results of the self-assessment guide farmers to sources of additional information and resources to address environmental concerns. Farmers and ranchers are encouraged to involve their crop consultant or other advisors who play a role in management decisions in completion of the worksheet.
What Are the Objectives of the Green Star Farms Initiative?
The primary goals of the program are to raise awareness among farmers about water quality issues; recognize the conservation practices that are already being employed by many farmers and ranchers that have led to improved water quality, reduced soil erosion, enhanced soil health and increased wildlife habitat; and accelerate the adoption of sound conservation practices where needed to improve water quality.
What are some of the Benefits of participating in the Green Star Farms Initiative for farmers?
Participation in the Green Star Farms Initiative provides a step-by-step process for farmers to think critically about soil and water resources under their care, provides helpful information to help farmers address resource concerns and affirms good stewardship efforts already underway.
Why should non-farmers care about the Green Star Farms Initiative?
The Green Star Farms Initiative demonstrates the commitment of farmers and ranchers to improving water-quality and improving the sustainability of food production systems.
How is information collected through the Green Star Farms Initiative used?
Individual farmers participating in the Green Star Farms Initiative can use their summary reports as a management tool as they wish—no one else has access to their information. Aggregated summary information is used to identify topics or regions where additional education and/or research are needed.
Who has access to information collected through the Green Star Farms Initiative?
Each farmer participating in the Green Star Farms Initiative has access to their information. Individual farmer information is available only to the farmer providing the information and is not shared or made available to anyone else under any circumstance.
Aggregated information is shared for use in identifying trends in stewardship activities and related research and educational opportunities.
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